
Kylie Meznar
October 3, 2024

Tammy has a honed gift of meeting business owners right where they're at. She listens, she carefully considers, she guides. Tammy genuinely wants her clients to succeed and we're so thankful to have her in our corner. After one strategy session, I'm clearer on the steps to take next and encouraged to take them. Thank you Tammy!

Lisa Meakin
July 30, 2024

I highly recommend Tammy as a business coach! She has been such a wonderful support to my business - helping me to streamline my practices, increase my client base and to introduce time saving practices that give me more time to work ON my business not IN it. You are a star Tammy!

July 23, 2024

I’ve had the pleasure of being part of Tammy’s Table now for a couple of years, and it’s been one of the best business decisions I’ve made. Tammy brings an amazing positive attitude to all her interactions on the Table, and the people she attracts to the table and her community are some of the best business people around. It’s always a thought provoking experience and gives me a place to be me, the human and business owner in equal measure. What I love most about Tammy is that she is a straight shooter who holds you accountable while cheering you on in whatever goals you are trying to achieve. I’ve now started utilising her coaching sessions as well and already had some great clarity about the direction of our business and feel supported and encouraged to progress. Cannot recommend this wonderful lady and her community enough for anyone in business!

Valeska Waldron
May 2, 2024

Being part of Tammy's Table has given me the business support crew I didn't know I needed! Tammy has created such a lovely environment of support and authenticity. Being solo in business can be isolating, so I loved the opportunity to meet monthly in person, in an space that values the knowledge, expertise and contribution that each person brings. Tammy, thanks for the gentle pushes and accountability to keep me moving forward and the genuine care and support! ❤️

CEO Melvory Australia
November 9, 2023

Running a business can be tough and lonely. But ever since I joined Tammy's Table, things have changed for the better. I've met some awesome fellow business owners who get the highs, lows, and the craziness of this business adventure. They've shared their wisdom and advice with me, which has been super helpful since I'm fairly new to all of this. Our monthly meetups are a blast. We have a lot of fun and laugh a ton. Tammy, our host, is fantastic. She brings tasty morning snacks, keeps our discussions interesting, and I always learn something valuable. I usually leave with great ideas to share with my team.

Andrea White
October 16, 2023

Tammy’s Table has helped me become more confident in my Business and more aware of how other Businesses operate. Each month I look forward to hearing how each member is doing in their business and not only their achievements but also their struggles. Tammy’s Table has helped me understand that I am not alone and being your own boss isn’t as scary as I thought it would be. Tammy’s Table helps me to be accountable each month with the tasks and goals we set. When you are working on your own it is easy to procrastinate and leave the “to do list” for another day. Tammy’s support, directness and her amazing business skills keeps me accountable, for which I am grateful.

Michelle Boyd
September 18, 2023

Embarking on the journey of running your own business can often feel isolating. However, my experience with Tammy’s Table has provided me with a community of business owners who truly understand the journey. This fabulous group has wrapped their arms around me, valuing my contributions without any hint of judgment. Tammy and the “tablers” with their unwavering support, have instilled a confidence in me operating a micro business. With that confidence I feel I can achieve any goal I set for myself and Yum Hugs. A goal I recently set was to actually run classes instead of spending too much time planning them to the minute detail. The group inspired me to believe that taking some action was better than taking no action at all.

Sarah Sanders
June 9, 2023

I joined Tammy’s Table in October 2020; I nervously attended my first meeting but from the moment I arrived, I felt at ease and comfortable, Tammy and the group made me feel welcome. I love that I feel supported, encouraged to speak up at meetings and nurtured; Tammy has created a caring and nurturing environment, I know if I have a question or need business advice, I feel happy asking and supported. I don’t have a team of people in my business, but I do have a team of wonderful business owners on this journey with me in business, I feel so incredibly blessed to have met so many fabulous people through Tammy’s Table and to have Tammy as a mentor and friend is a gift.

Caroline McLeod
May 23, 2023

Tammy is a brilliant facilitator and mentor. The Tammy's Table groups are filled with talented and passionate business owners who really support and encourage each other. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with the group and love the growth and accountability mindset.

Carolyn Cattrall
January 19, 2023

What do I get from Tammy’s Table, the camaraderie, the ooh moments, the opportunity to be a cheer leader and to be cheered on, to learn about and reflect on my business. Mostly I love the diversity of the business owners in our group but we all have in common the passion for what we do. And each and every meeting we laugh, so good!

Sam Daynes
November 24, 2022

Tammy has a very special way of dropping peoples guard and making them feel comfortable to share and grow. This is what Tammy's Table is all about! If you are in business and want a safe place to share and learn visit one of her curated monthly events and be inspired!

Louise Pottering Around
November 15, 2022

I engaged Tammy for her six session intensive program and have since decided to join Tammy’s Table. I found my time with her so valuable and would highly recommend it. When your head is a spaghetti of thoughts, ideas, questions, business, family….to sit for a couple of hours each month, just focus on my business, and untangle some of that spaghetti, to set realistic goals, targets, logistics was fantastic. Some sessions were more structured than others, but all were driven by what I needed most as a business owner that month. It’s early days at Tammy’s table for me, but so far I am feeling welcomed, secure and valued. I am already gaining confidence and ideas from the knowledge and experience in the group. I’m looking forward to making the most of this supportive community!

Your Property Strategy
August 24, 2022

I’ve been a member of Tammy’s Table for almost two years now and have seen a substantial improvement in how I run my business through the valuable monthly sessions and even more valuable connections I’ve made during this time. Tammy is brilliant at connecting the right people with each other, creating mutually beneficial and lasting relationships. I highly recommend Tammy’s Table to any small business as the return on investment is incredibly high. You might even have a laugh along the way.

Kim Peake
August 24, 2022

Since joining Tammy Table I have found a safe haven that is informative and supportive of me as a person and as a business owner. My main achievement in being a part of Tammy’s Table is that for the past 2 years I have been able to set aside 1 day a fortnight to focus and plan for my business. This has helped my work /life balance greatly as I focus on the business future and currently plan my retirement

Nicki King
July 12, 2022

I can't recommend Tammy enough! Tammy has taught me to value myself and what I do and shown me that there are ways to make life simpler with processes and systems so I work smarter not harder. I also have confidence in who I am and what I do now and it is great to be able to say I am a successful businesswoman – I’m not just playing anymore. Thanks to Tammy and her belief in me and her ability to just give me a look.

Kerry Pienaar
January 20, 2022

I gain so much in my sessions with Tammy Edwards. She has a wealth of knowledge about business, is empathetic to the individual needs of business owners, provides many useful practical strategies and is generous in sharing what she does and how to apply it to my business. I have learnt so much and most of all have gained invaluable insights into how to grow my business.

Sally Carruthers
November 19, 2021

Thank you Tammy for all of your guidance and sharing your business knowledge with me. I love being a part of Tammy's Table and having one-on-one coaching sessions with you. It was such a relief to get my priorities sorted and have my eyes opened to how I can improve my business. Thank you x

Nicki King
October 25, 2021

I was introduced to Tammy from another small business owner and I am so glad! Tammy has changed my life and given me the confidence to continue growing both professionally and personally. She keeps me accountable and guides me to keep reaching higher all while laughing and enjoying life. 100% the best in the business.

Carin Pole
July 2, 2021

Tammy has been an incredible support and mentor and I have learnt so much from her sessions. I highly recommend for anyone in any stage of business needing guidance and advice on how to make your business a success. My time with Tammy added so much substance to my business, purpose and self confidence. Thank you Tammy!

Rebecca Brind
June 2, 2021

I recently attended Tammy's Systems, not Sexy... but essential Workshop which I highly recommend every business owner attends. It was a very information workshop and I came away with a number of strategies to implement within my business.


Attending the Systems - not sexy but essential workshop was very worthwhile for me and my business. Seeing how possible it is to have a business that is run by systems and systems that are run by people has reduced my overwhelm.

Jude McColough
June 1, 2021

I've found Tammy's Table and her workshops invaluable as an sole trader. They're really informative & great networking. It's also so nice to be able to bounce ideas off others in business, in private, without judgement in a safe space.


Tammys workshops never disappoint. Worth every dollar, time and energy spent

Anca Pop
May 25, 2021

If you're looking for a honest, motivated group of business owners that keep each other accountable and support each other through the ups and downs of running a business then this is the group for you. The meetings are fun and Tammy has a wealth of knowledge to share backed by experience and real-life business accomplishments. No fluff, just real & honest support you'll get with Tammy!

Hannah Willsmore
May 19, 2021

I attended Tammy's Systems workshop which was fantastic. I am currently in the process of taking on a team to work with me, so this was the perfect timing. I have lots of things that I can now implement in my business to help me systemise and allow my business to grow. Thanks Tammy! Edited to add that I have also been a member of Tammy's Table recently - It's been so nice to connect again with other business owners and definitely makes you feel less alone in your challenges. Tammy is a great facilitator and ensures everyone has the opportunity to share and receive support from the group. Highly recommend!

Melisa Byrne
May 19, 2021

I attended a workshop presented by Tammy Edwards yesterday on the importance of using systems to streamline your business. I have put a lot of energy into many aspects of my business, except systems and yesterday Tammy really did show high show us how important and essential it is to have systems to succeed and grow in business. She has such a down to earth way of presenting and unlike other speakers I have listened to about business, she is able to speak from experience and has achieved success with this approach (and many other qualities). I highly recommend attending any workshop being presented by Tammy. She is engaging and dynamic when sharing her knowledge of how to build and run a successful business.

Jeff Reid
May 19, 2021

If you're looking for a better way to run your business, Tammy's Table is definitely worth your time. Attending her most recent Systems Workshop I would recommend this to any business owner. Whether you're a sole trader, considering expanding, or already have a team, Tammy will show you a variety of ways that will help make your office run smoother than ever, plus will ensure you have the tools to be able to leave the office 'functioning as smoothly as ever' even without you being on site giving you the freedom to make time for YOU! If you follow the systems and be prepared to change some of your usual habits you will be rewarded in many ways as you'll be delegating work to those that have the skills to do jobs that aren't your strengths. So rather than struggling through things your business needs done they will be and completed more effective and efficiently by someone who is qualified and experienced enabling you to concentrate on the things you do best.

Renae Plueckhahn
May 6, 2021

Tammy is amazing! She not only knows the ins and outs of running a successful business, she also cares! Tammy’s Table has been an integral part of my life -the monthly meetings inspire me and keep me on track to implement, fine tune and grow my business. Tammy is the boss you need while being your own boss.

Charmaine Summers
February 26, 2021

I love my sessions with Tammy. I always come away with so much enthusiasm for my own business. Tammy is great at supporting small businesses and their owners. Highly recommend her. I have attended Tammys Table and had one on one sessions. She has helped me with IT, systems and emails, just to name a few things.

Kate Mason
February 6, 2021

Tammy's Table provides a nurturing, informative environment for business owners to share information, ideas and personal experiences (good and bad). This process enables problem solving, stress release and often much needed, laughter! Tammy cares for us all and her skills as a facilitator are first class. Her warmth and excellent organisational methods keep us all moving forward with our business plans and goals. I highly recommend Tammy's services, they are 5 star.

Grier Neilson
February 5, 2021

I have loved being apart of Tammy's Table for the last 12months, not only has it it is has given me drive and direction it has bought me out of my shell of working it alone. Tammy's Table has an edge to it that I enjoy and look forward to attending every month. There is a wealth of experience people are open to sharing, a combination of seriousness and fun, compassion and respect in a relaxed way creating a place of safety and in turn building connection. Thank you Tammy for creating such a space for us. Grier Bohemian Ekko Creative

Lena MacRae
February 1, 2021

Having been part of Tammy's Table for the last year I can highly recommend joining. It's a wonderful opportunity to get together with other like-minded and similar size businesses to be able to work on your business instead of in it. Tammy is highly knowledgeable, great fun and provides excellent morning tea! (very important)

Techme Gawler
December 16, 2020

Love Tammy's approach to business. She is most helpful with kindness and professional. Loving her valuable help and advise

Con Koutsikas
November 21, 2020

Joining Tammy's Table nearly 3 years ago has been one of the best decisions I have made. Tammy has created an amazing supportive and nurturing environment of unique business owners at varying levels of their development. The regular meetings provide a platform for honest, open and productive discussions and given the last 12 months, it has been invaluable! As a successful business woman in her own right, Tammy's one on one coaching provides in depth knowledge and expertise with proven strategies. Tammy has the amazing ability to un-complicate the apparent complex and give calm guidance and direction. I cant recommend Tammy and Tammy's Table highly enough.

Mikal Howard
November 4, 2020

I've been a member of Tammy's Table for about 18 months now. I have really enjoyed mixing with business owners from many different industries. It's comforting to hear that other business owners have similar issues, complaints and needs that I find within my own business. We all just want to grow and improve our businesses and having Tammy as our facilitator, coach, consultant and friend goes a long way to making that journey a lot less scary. The accountability and honest feedback I get from Tammy and the rest of the group is why I will continue coming back. I highly recommend Tammy and Tammy's Table.

Kristi Hourigan
October 28, 2020

Joining Tammy’s Table has to be one of the best decisions I have made as a business owner. Tammy has a wealth of knowledge from her own business experiences plus working with other businesses large and small, she is able to tap into the collective knowledge of all the people she works with to provide me with ‘real-life’ business advice. I meet with her and like-minded business owners once a month where we work on a topic or process we all want to improve on. It’s a safe space to share the good and the bad and everyone is very supportive and constructive with advice. Having this tribe behind me and helping me think about things with fresh eyes is priceless! Being a part of Tammy’s Table gives me the professional as well as personal support I need, which is great for my wellbeing and in turn great for my business. Tammy is a bubbly, warm and friendly person who isn’t afraid of making you stick to your goals in a caring way, I always feel uplifted and inspired after each session – ready to smash out the next month’s goals.

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