Tim Morris

Tim Morris

Tim Morris Real Estate
Lead table

Tim Morris is a full time Real Estate professional, Managing Director of his own Real Estate Company, Tim Morris Real Estate.

After many years in hospitality management with a side line in flipping property for profit Tim decided to do what he enjoyed the most for a living and obtained his licence in Real Estate.

After working for a large franchise Tim quickly realised that he was restricted in how he could better work for his clients, wanting to offer them results driven success! So he decided to bypass the restrictions and started his own Real Estate Company now focusing on his customer’s needs.

With many years of managing people within the hospitality industry, it came naturally to Tim to be able to quickly grow his Property Management department based on referrals from landlords and tenants alike.

The approach he takes exceeds the industry standard in Property Management taking a front seat to sales, which is unusual within South Australia.

Tim’s Real Estate company has consistently grown with over 100 residential properties under management within the first 12 months.

There are three key elements to the success of Tim's Property Management side of the business,

  • Landlords with perspective
  • Property that is safe and maintained to a reasonable to high living standard
  • Tried and tested procedures that make sure both landlord and tenants are well informed and happy!!

Since inception, Tim’s company has changed the face of Residential Property Management in Adelaide. Creating and delivering respect with South Australian landlords and tenants alike.

The sales team at Tim Morris Real Estate are also dedicated and focused on achieving the maximum outcome for what can be the single largest transaction most people with undertake in their life time, communicating with vendors and keeping them informed at all stages of the transaction. Written reporting and vendor meetings are key to our approach in sales, when the right offer comes in you want to be informed and armed with knowledge that can help you make the educated decision you need to, and based on the facts.

This way you can move on to the reason for selling your property in the first place with confidence you have made the correct decision!

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Don’t just take my word for it!
Here’s a taste of what others have to say.

Valeska Waldron
May 2, 2024

Being part of Tammy's Table has given me the business support crew I didn't know I needed! Tammy has created such a lovely environment of support and authenticity. Being solo in business can be isolating, so I loved the opportunity to meet monthly in person, in an space that values the knowledge, expertise and contribution that each person brings. Tammy, thanks for the gentle pushes and accountability to keep me moving forward and the genuine care and support! ❤️

Running a business can be tough and lonely. But ever since I joined Tammy's Table, things have changed for the better. I've met some awesome fellow business owners who get the highs, lows, and the craziness of this business adventure. They've shared their wisdom and advice with me, which has been super helpful since I'm fairly new to all of this. Our monthly meetups are a blast. We have a lot of fun and laugh a ton. Tammy, our host, is fantastic. She brings tasty morning snacks, keeps our discussions interesting, and I always learn something valuable. I usually leave with great ideas to share with my team.

Andrea White
October 16, 2023

Tammy’s Table has helped me become more confident in my Business and more aware of how other Businesses operate. Each month I look forward to hearing how each member is doing in their business and not only their achievements but also their struggles. Tammy’s Table has helped me understand that I am not alone and being your own boss isn’t as scary as I thought it would be. Tammy’s Table helps me to be accountable each month with the tasks and goals we set. When you are working on your own it is easy to procrastinate and leave the “to do list” for another day. Tammy’s support, directness and her amazing business skills keeps me accountable, for which I am grateful.

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