Nicki King

Nicki King

Nicki King Landscape Design
Soar table

Hi, I’m Nicki – and I absolutely love what I do!

My biggest motivators in life are caring, conservation and creativity which combine beautifully in my work as a Landscape Designer.

I feel so blessed to work throughout the different regions of South Australia and I’ve always cared deeply about conservation. In fact, as a kid, my ultimate superpower would always be healing nature.

I realised that I could make more of a difference starting in people’s homes - designing nature and garden spaces and teaching about how we can create beautiful gardens that are also much-needed habitats for our wildlife.

Backyards are getting smaller, and some children only have a balcony but, there are many ways to get kids and adults outside and interacting with nature.

I absolutely love to use my creativity and am completely dedicated to every project – to use my knowledge of what works and be understanding of what every client needs so I can present them with their dream garden.

And there’s no doubt that my work continues to fuel my commitment to conservation.

We need to keep the discussion going and most importantly, spread the word that green spaces and living in natural surroundings are vital for kids and adults alike. Because quite simply if our kids aren’t out learning to love and take care of nature then who will look after it when we are gone?

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Don’t just take my word for it!
Here’s a taste of what others have to say.

Valeska Waldron
May 2, 2024

Being part of Tammy's Table has given me the business support crew I didn't know I needed! Tammy has created such a lovely environment of support and authenticity. Being solo in business can be isolating, so I loved the opportunity to meet monthly in person, in an space that values the knowledge, expertise and contribution that each person brings. Tammy, thanks for the gentle pushes and accountability to keep me moving forward and the genuine care and support! ❤️

Running a business can be tough and lonely. But ever since I joined Tammy's Table, things have changed for the better. I've met some awesome fellow business owners who get the highs, lows, and the craziness of this business adventure. They've shared their wisdom and advice with me, which has been super helpful since I'm fairly new to all of this. Our monthly meetups are a blast. We have a lot of fun and laugh a ton. Tammy, our host, is fantastic. She brings tasty morning snacks, keeps our discussions interesting, and I always learn something valuable. I usually leave with great ideas to share with my team.

Andrea White
October 16, 2023

Tammy’s Table has helped me become more confident in my Business and more aware of how other Businesses operate. Each month I look forward to hearing how each member is doing in their business and not only their achievements but also their struggles. Tammy’s Table has helped me understand that I am not alone and being your own boss isn’t as scary as I thought it would be. Tammy’s Table helps me to be accountable each month with the tasks and goals we set. When you are working on your own it is easy to procrastinate and leave the “to do list” for another day. Tammy’s support, directness and her amazing business skills keeps me accountable, for which I am grateful.

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