Tammy’s Table

It takes a community to build a business

Running a business can be an exciting and fulfilling journey.

It allows you to build something that aligns with your personal vision and values, while also making a positive impact. 

But it can also be challenging.

Managing cash flow, wearing many hats. navigating unexpected challenges, and dealing with difficult customers can make entrepreneurship a tough gig.

That’s where Tammy’s Table comes in.

Our community of business owners is dedicated to unlocking their true potential through facilitated meetings led by Tammy Edwards, a successful CEO turned entrepreneur and coach.

These meetings are a place to gain fresh perspective, inspiration, and invaluable business wisdom.

By joining Tammy’s Table, you’ll connect with like-minded business owners who share your interests and aspirations. You’ll have a relaxed and supportive space to share your experiences and tackle your toughest challenges.

This is not about referral targets or post-meeting pressures - it's about your business, its growth, and achieving your goals.

With our community, you’ll be empowered to overcome any obstacle and unlock your full potential as a business owner.

Don’t go it alone.

Tammy's Table is a place for support, encouragement, and accountability

What to Expect

Tammy’s Table is an a vibrant community of business owners working together to unlock their true potential.

We do things a little differently.

That’s why you’ll find no referral targets and no post-meeting pressures here. We don’t hit each other up for the hard sell.

Instead, through facilitated group sessions and organic, supportive connections, we create a relaxed space to gain fresh perspectives and inspiration.

Tammy’s Table is all about your business – your growth, challenges, and goals.

Monthly Facilitated Meetings

Each Tammy’s Table has a maximum of ten business owners/managers and meets monthly for 2 hours (with a break in January).

There are currently three locations on offer – Collinswood, Modbury, and Gawler.

Tammy facilitates each meeting to help maintain the group focus and ensure the meeting time is used efficiently and effectively.

There is a different Table Topic each month and an Accountability Section at the end of the meeting to ensure our members are progressing in their businesses.


Trust is a key ingredient at Tammy’s Table because to grow, we need to be comfortable sharing the highs and lows of running a business.

Our members agree to keep everything they hear at meetings confidential.

Business Ideas and Practical Advice

By sharing our own insights and experiences, we’re starting a conversation about business ownership.

Together we can face the challenges, solve the puzzles, and celebrate those wins.

Our business topics and conversations are based on the group’s needs. After all, this is all about you and your business.


Our meetings can generate some intense discussion!

We break halfway through for some morning tea, a general chat, and a chance to mentally refresh.


If you work alone, sometimes accountability can be hard!

We want our members to progress, so your goals will be reviewed at each meeting to keep you focused, motivated, and accountable.

Organic Networking and Connections

Members organically network and connect between meetings. We have seen some amazing collaborations between business owners who may not have met if not for joining Tammy’s Table.

Members have access to a private Facebook group which offers a space to continue discussions started at meetings and to connect with members from other Tables.

And occasionally you’ll be invited to a social gathering, co-working day or workshop to strengthen your skills and relationships with members.

Member Discounts

Tammy’s Table members are entitled to discounted 1:1 consulting with Tammy Edwards as well as early bird access and discounts to her workshops and events throughout the year.


Tammy’s Table membership costs just $235 plus GST per quarter, payable in advance.

Gawler’s membership payments are priced differently – please contact Tammy for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a cross-over of industries in the groups?

Absolutely! In fact our members find this extremely beneficial. The advice they can receive from business owners and managers in a similar industry is very relevant.

Is there a women’s only group?

There are no gender specific groups in Tammy’s Table. Tammy believes mixing genders brings a great dynamic to each Table.

What if I can’t make a meeting?

The membership fee you pay is a commitment that secures your seat at the Table for each quarter.
We cannot offer refunds or credits for missed meetings, however we do run 8 meetings per month and you can ‘Table Hop’ when required (subject to availability)

Why don’t you meet in January?

We believe that business owners and managers deserve a break and many people do take holidays during January. To make up for the missed meeting, all members of all groups will be invited to a networking event with a guest speaker during the year to connect and network.

What our members say!

Ready to become a better business owner?

Don’t just take my word for it!
Here’s a taste of what others have to say.

Valeska Waldron
May 2, 2024

Being part of Tammy's Table has given me the business support crew I didn't know I needed! Tammy has created such a lovely environment of support and authenticity. Being solo in business can be isolating, so I loved the opportunity to meet monthly in person, in an space that values the knowledge, expertise and contribution that each person brings. Tammy, thanks for the gentle pushes and accountability to keep me moving forward and the genuine care and support! ❤️

Running a business can be tough and lonely. But ever since I joined Tammy's Table, things have changed for the better. I've met some awesome fellow business owners who get the highs, lows, and the craziness of this business adventure. They've shared their wisdom and advice with me, which has been super helpful since I'm fairly new to all of this. Our monthly meetups are a blast. We have a lot of fun and laugh a ton. Tammy, our host, is fantastic. She brings tasty morning snacks, keeps our discussions interesting, and I always learn something valuable. I usually leave with great ideas to share with my team.

Andrea White
October 16, 2023

Tammy’s Table has helped me become more confident in my Business and more aware of how other Businesses operate. Each month I look forward to hearing how each member is doing in their business and not only their achievements but also their struggles. Tammy’s Table has helped me understand that I am not alone and being your own boss isn’t as scary as I thought it would be. Tammy’s Table helps me to be accountable each month with the tasks and goals we set. When you are working on your own it is easy to procrastinate and leave the “to do list” for another day. Tammy’s support, directness and her amazing business skills keeps me accountable, for which I am grateful.

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